Minggu, 17 Februari 2019

Preview of tonight's Coronation Street - Mon 18 Feb

Monday 18th February 

TRACY TAKES MATTERS INTO HER OWN HANDS Tracy vows that she is not going to let Tyler and his mum ruin their adoption plans. Robert refuses to sack him so Tracy pins Tyler against a wall and offers him £5000 to have nothing more to do with Amy or the baby but is thwarted when Robert interrupts and orders him back to work. What will she do? 
CARLA’S DAY GOES FROM BAD TO WORSE When the police call to speak to Carla about the fire she says she was in a town at the time and the CCTV has a technical glitch which sometimes deletes footage. 
TYRONE FEELS FUNNY ABOUT HIS VALENTINE Tyrone returns home for lunch and is taken aback to find Mary has prepared a lasagne and chilled some wine.
ELSEWHERE Sarah is shocked at the inflated price Gary quotes David for repairing the fire damage to number 8 from the boat fire. Kevin refuses Sally’s offer of help to pay for Jack’s holiday.

Monday 18th February

AMY HAS ONE LAST RESORT The police question Amy, and despite her protestations that it was consensual sex and Tyler did nothing wrong, the officer explains to her that as she was underage it is still an offence and she has to give a statement. Amy is furious with Tracy and Steve and runs off at the police station. In Victoria Gardens Tyler apologises to her but says he wants nothing to do with the baby. Unsure of what to do Amy confides in Bethany.
ROY LIGHTS CARLA’S WICK Peter tells Carla that the police have declared the boat fire an accident but he remains unconvinced. Seb tells Peter he saw Carla acting shiftily and putting a bin bag in the boot of her car the morning after the fire. Convinced Carla is hiding something Roy quizzes her but she says it was a bag of Underworld seconds for a charity shop.
MARY MARKS TYRONE’S CARD When Mary offers to give Tyrone a massage he decides to broach the subject of the Valentine’s card and tells her they can only be friends. How will Mary react? 

ELSEWHERE At Sally’s suggestion, Sophie tries to give Kevin £200 towards Jack’s holiday but he refuses to take it, adamant he can manage.

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